Orphan Disease Site Management System
Aegerion Pharmaceuticals

The family of marketing sites that help support the orphan drugs Juxtapid and Myalept have a unique set of requirements. To make this easier, we worked with Aegerion to consolidate their nine Drupal sites on Acquia. Once things were on this reliable environment, we were able to better support their overall marketing and communication goals.
Since we started working together in 2015, we have built Myalept.com, Juxtapidpro.com, and overhauled Juxtapid.com all using Drupal 8. Updates and maintenance also continues for Aboutgl.com, GLInformation.com, MyaleptREMS, JuxtapidREMSprogram.com.
We built a custom Drupal 8 module called Path File to help manage PDFs. The Path File module allows content editors to upload files and specify the url at which they will be available. Normally, when uploading a file to Drupal with the same name as an existing file, it is given a new name instead of overwriting the existing file.