Last Friday, we had the distinct honor of participating in Prescott Park Arts Festival’s Great Trivia Knockout. The event featured both a live and silent auction, consisting of items donated by local businesses and artisans. All proceeds went to support the programs that provide Seacoast residents with weekly live family-friendly entertainment (at a suggested donation) all summer long. While we’re fairly certain that the Portsmouth Police Department doesn’t generally condone scantily clad redheads parading around the park after dark, nevertheless, this upcoming season’s production will be The Little Mermaid.
It’s true that we didn’t win the actual trivia portion of the evening despite having a bona fide rocket scientist on our team, but with 20 teams competing, we were proud to place in the top three. That said, while it is in no way required, future Bōwst applicants with a working knowledge of Greek and/or Latin will be given preferential treatment.
However, we can’t be BLUE, because in no way did we walk away empty-handed. Thanks to a truly cohesive effort and the willingness, nay insistence, of one person to go above and beyond…We won the costume contest! Leaving only one or two disgruntled David Bowie tributes in our wake (you know who you are), we all walked away with commemorative Lindt milk chocolate bars and a beautiful calendar.

BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE! While generally we’d never advocate starting a sentence with a conjunction (while completely justifiable, we just find it tacky), in this case, it’s true; we left with SO much more. With much thanks to our fearless leader, we not only placed well in trivia, WON the costume contest, and had a fantastic time, but we’ll also be enjoying a “Year of Beer” donated for auction by Redhook Ale Brewery, as well as spending some much-anticipated time at Smuttynose Brewing Company’s new Hayseed Restaurant in beautiful Hampton, New Hampshire! Remember, it’s not alcoholism if it’s for a good cause, people. With any luck, the next thing our boss springs for will be a company gym membership so we can work off those empty (yet charitable) calories.
In conclusion, we’d like to thank all the good people of the Prescott Park Arts Festival, local business owners, and Seacoast citizens for a lovely evening, and for working to make our little corner of New Hampshire an incredible place to live and work.